New Members Welcome | Open Enrollment period! | Call Joe (724) 265-5190
198 McKrell Rd, Tarentum, PA 15084
Please note if you want emailed or called back make sure you leave your full phone number and or email address on the form below.
View grounds & 4 covered shooting bays
Club Rules
- No Guests allowed, Members only (insurance requirements)
- Observe well known gun safety rules at all times. If not familiar with them please go to NRA web site and review them.
- No Alcoholic Beverages
- No Smoking
- No Gun Handling when people are down range
- No Ground Targets
- No Junk Targets, Paper Targets Only
- All bullets passing through targets must pass through to berm
- All members must display membership card on person
- Clay birds allowed on middle pistol range only
- Do not move benches
- No Pets Allowed
- Shooters must clean up after themselves
- Range hours 9:00 am till 1/2 hour before sunset.
Send your contact information we'll get back to you!
Membership Rates
New Members (ages 19-64) $85
Renewal for regular membership $40
Wife or significant other add on $20
Children add on $20
Senior renewal $20
Rules for Select Fire / Fully Auto Weapons
Legally Regulated Full Auto or Select Fire Weapons of MEMBERS ONLY are permitted.
All others are prohibited on these premises. Members must have Proper BATF Reg. paperwork available on their person and provide upon request.
Please use additional caution and precautions while handling these weapons.
West Deer Township Sportsman's Club
198 McKrell Rd, Tarentum, PA 15084