Send Us Your Stuff
From time to time our clients need to send us videos, images, audio files etc. We provide design services and other services where we use content provided by others. Use this service we provide here to send us those files.
You only need to drag and drop a zip file of images or video etc to the space provided after you click on the send me you stuff button. A form will appear and require you to fill a “Send to email address.” to send to us send to ( Then fill in your email address. Then the subject line. A message is optional. Singular images or files may also be sent but if there are a lot of images it’s easier to zip them up first. Then hit “Smash” button. That sends them. You will be notified when they are sent and when we open them.
It’s Eazy Peazy
When you need to send large files nothing could be easier. We use a service from our artist friends in Europe. The largest file you can send in Email is 20MB. They undertook this project to send images, videos, and audio between Artists, Photographers, Videographers, Musicians etc. without advertising anything except their work.
They, just as we do, only ask that we respect everyone’s copyrights. The service is called SMASH…
We use this service to deliver images and video to our clients. You can use that same service to deliver large files to us by simply clicking the button we have provided.
[popup url=””?page_id=1118&preview=true” height=”700″ width=”700″ scrollbars=”yes” alt=”popup”]Click Here to Send Us Your Stuff[/popup]